Bienvenu Shelter provides for the migrant women, a three-month basic course on sewing.
On August 17, 2023, we had twenty-two graduates from eight nationalities and majority are from the Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC. A couple of them were referred by the Pastoral Care for Migrants and Refugees Department, Archdiocese of Johannesburg, and ANOVA. The presence of representatives from PCMR, ANOVA, and Focolare Movement had enhanced the beauty of graduation ceremony.
As completing the course successfully, we recognize their achievement by giving certificates. On their graduation day they are sent out to the world as professionals to pursue their dreams and to foster resilience during challenges which come across in their daily lives. All the students in their graduation gown with sash on their shoulder receive the light of knowledge and empowerment from the guest, teachers, and director through their thoughtful words. It is a moment that really adds charm to the atmosphere with a sense of achievement.
They present themselves proudly with beautiful dresses which is the outcome of their own hard work and skill.
During this journey of three months, they are well formed to be professionals, and good entrepreneurs and above that they are well known of ethics in customer dealings. End of the course they are self-sustained in a dignified way with their acquired knowledge in both small- and large-scale business.
The teachers assure follow-up, encouragement, and support in their mental, spiritual, and social development.
Congratulation to all our Graduates!!!
Best wishes for your future!!!
Bienvenu Shelter is grateful to all our collaborators and donors for their generous heart, our Teaching faculties for their commitment and dedication, and to the Team for all their effort and support.

By: Sr Lily Pushpam, mscs