“I was a stranger and you welcomed me” (Matt 25:35)
“I was a stranger and you welcomed me” (Matt 25:35)
In addition to the primary programme providing Safe and Secure Accommodation we were also able to open a day-care facility and a pre-school from the ages of 4 to 6 years old
The Scalabrinian Congregation was established in 1895 as a response to the large immigration influx from Europe to North and South America. Its founder, John Baptist Scalabrini was able to grasp in the social and religious needs of the migrants.
Our missionary focus is to be migrants with the migrants and to be in mission with people on the move along with a special priority for the poorest and most vulnerable, safeguarding and promoting the dignity and rights of migrants, refugees, internally displaced people, seafarers, itinerants, and people on the move.
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