During last week, the Bienvenu Shelter had a visit from the Scalabrinian Foundation, through the General Animator of the Apostolate and Executive Member of the Foundation, Sr Janette Ferreira and the Executive Secretary, Mrs. Gaia Mormina.
This was their first visit to South Africa with the aim of knowing and understanding, on a closer level, the missionary work carried out with the women and children of the Bienvenu Shelter, to make known what the Foundation itself consists of, in addition to providing moments of dialogue, interaction and training of the Bienvenu Shelter team in order to strengthen the network action between the organizations of the MSCS Sisters that work with migrants and refugees.
A meeting, was held with the Staff on 20 July, where Mrs Gaia explained the function of the Scalabrinian Foundation and how working together, we can assist each other and meet the needs of so many more people in desperate need.
The Scalabrinian Foundation has been in existence for one year and is making great strides towards making its identity visible. Its purpose is to become a congregational expression of commitment to and with migrants and refugees in the world and to strengthen the potential that the congregation, with all the Scalabrinian sisters, collaborators, volunteers, supporters and donors, places at the service of the Kingdom of God in the missionary space of human mobility.

Sr Marivane Chiesa