As the word “Paroikos” says “sojourner on earth”, we are preparing ourselves to be a sojourner with migrants and refugees by being their good neighbor. Therefore, we can be more attentive to the needs of all who pass through the phenomena of migration. As St. Scalabrini says “the world moves on and we can’t remain behind”, in this digital world we realize the necessity to digitalize the data in order to act according to the needs of time and space.
The Bienvenu Shelter is centralizing all the datas and services which is provided for the women and children. The network has been created with the Power App called “Paroikos” which was created and it is maintained by the Scalabrinian Sisters Congregation. This reflects a process of qualification and professionalization of its services and enables the Project to expand its capacity of intervention. It helps a rapid development in our services to connect with our beneficiaries, as well as in offering a better service from our part. Paroikos is a methodology to analyze the actions of migrants and refugees which acts as a tool to qualify the service and to lesser the manpower.
Staffs are receiving a training from 11 – 22 September 2023 on Paroikos, facilitated by Ms. Carmen Lussi from CSEM – Scalabrinian Centre for Migration Studies (Brazil). Bienvenu Shelter is very grateful for CSEM’s assistance in this process of implementing the Paroikos data base system.
We are grateful for this opportunity to learn further about this app to facilitate our mission for the migrants and refugees.
We are pleased to introduce our new updated working team in the migration scenario. Congratulations to our attendees and the Congregation of the Scalabrinian Sisters for this initiative…!!!! Thank you all…!!!