“I was a stranger and you welcomed me” (Matt 25:35)

Graduation: You earned it and you deserve it

On 28 August 2024, we celebrated the students graduation from livelihood courses – sewing, baking and cosmetology (Nails and Make up) at Mother Assunta Training Center.

Sr Marizete Garbin led the reflection moment which touched the hearts of everyone.

The Director Sr Marivane said that upon graduation, students were not just graduating; they were stepping into a world of new possibilities. Graduation day is a reflection of their hard work and dedication throughout the courses. She shared the words of Apostle Saint Paul from Philippians 3,12-14 which states:

“Not that I have already attained it or have already arrived at my goal…but I press on…I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it; but one thing I do, forgetting what is behind and strain towards what is ahead. I press towards the goal to win the prize…”

Dear graduates, as you move to new and exciting charpters in your life take pride in what you have achieved but let it not be the limit to what you can still learn. We are privileged that you chose the empowerment programe of Bienvenu Shelter to be a part of this amazing journey. Your efforts have been rewarded so cheers to new beginnings as it is merely the start to more beautiful things ahead.

Blessings and prayers on your graduation and for your future.

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